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Sunday, August 15, 2004


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blue sand is a strong and beautiful image. twice i heard lila perform this and, not spanish speaking myself, came away with variations of the lyrics since she would interpret the song before playing it. for instance, i imagined migrants, crossing borders looking for work, and the inherent hardship. as a butterfly, we could and would move freely. and not be identified as a color.

though i am not familiar with the latino issue , the concept light-dark skin is hardly unfamiliar to an indian, which i am. reading this article convinced me of the similarity between the two. india was a colony of the british empire and so racism was supposedly revolted against. yet now it seems that its a perpetual post-colonial hangover. every indian parent wants their offsprings to be lighter skinned. the fairness creams sell like crazy. dark skin is looked down upon everywhere.i fail to see why in a free world, should colour play such a role?
i dont think blaming the colonists is enough , i think its a more intrinsic character in people, maybe started by the colonists but reverently continued by us.

Most Mexicans are like medium or dark skinned(Mostly Native and Black). If you see a white looking mexican, it's because they have more European blood.

yeh I know wut u mean by lighter skinned mexicans getting it rougher..I'm a light skinned Mexicana myself and other mexicans in my barrio are morenos..I hate it when people think I'am white, it really buggs me when they call me gringa. Pero after all it dont matter as long as I know what I'am is koo. que no??
pues alratoz

By the way, what's the translation project?

Every year for the last three years Lila Downs has come by my university to play and each year I've been busy doing something else. This time I'm detirmined to see her down in Tijuana on the 17th.

My girlfriend (quien le llamo mi mariposata) is the only Morena of a very very light skinned family. When her little sister was born and was also a güerita, my girlfriend hated her because everyone would comment what beautiful light skin she had.

Do you like the Maná song Mariposa?

I love Lake Merritt - one of my favorite places in the Bay Area.

The racism towards darker colored Latinos is very prevalent all over the place, but ironically enough, growing up, the lighter skinned Mexicans, had it a bit rougher, at least in my Barrio. I'm not sure if it's because we grew up in section-8 or what, but this was the case. My sister, a guera, very very light skinned, was called names like "guera, gringa, bolia," and she hated them. When people thought she was a gringita, she would get upset. I'm also reminded of another "guero," who lived next to me. He was my good friend, and we called him "La Chinche." His younger brother is very dark, and I guess we did call him "negro." I wonder if he minded, because his mom would say "ven, mi negrito" as terms of affection. My brother is also very dark, but I don't remember calling him anything. I do remember calling a kid in school - "mayate" or "indio."

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