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Wednesday, August 04, 2004


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I played the claves as a percussionist back in the day. Nobody ever wanted to play them, so I would volunteer. For a "class clown" like me, it was ideal. Sit around, goof off, and hit the claves every now on then. At first, I didn't understand their significance, but I soon realized they served as a backbone to the music we were playing. Plus - it was fun!
When I go visit the familia in S. Texas I go to my parent's church. The "coro" has a person who's sole job is to play the claves. This isn't a choir, or an ensemle, or a group - it's mid 50's and older Mexican men and women playing the guitar, accordion, tambourine and claves, while singing church songs to the tune of "Amor Eterno" or "Morenita Mia." It's great. The claves add so much - and I don't even dance Salsa!

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