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Tuesday, August 24, 2004


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I love this post. You know, when I first started writing in my journal - about 7 years back now - the reason was because I wanted to know what the hell gave me that "on-top-of-the-world" feeling and what gave me the funks. All I'd have to do is record my days and record how I felt and it would all become crystal clear I figured. I'd have the emotional ice-cream recipe all figured out.

And I'd be one happy homie.

Well, 7 years later and I'm still just as clueless as to why some days I rise happy homie and others angry hipster. That's not quite true - I do have a better idea, but most of those factors are the ones I can't control.

Do the titanium rods bend?

I had a friend who back in the day used to tell girls that having sex was good for their backs. That was his pick up line I guess. And supposedly it worked. Creepy guy ... I hope he never found you.

Girl, what a profound thought! Storing away positive energy for those hard times. But, in a way, we do provide that positive energy to those we love and care about. After all, thats what familia's for.

Anyway, I hope you are doing ok mija. keep your head up!! Know I'm sending you positive energy.

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