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« An Afternoon with Dolores Huerta ~ Sunday, August 8, 2004 ~ and a Spanish Sonnet for You | Main | Fiesta Boricua en San Francisco ~ or, What's Your Clave? »

Monday, August 02, 2004


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Hello, great site. I found here many interesting information. Thank u very mutch!

Congrats to the first 100 days. I must say that I like your posts more now that you talk about random and personal things rather than just reporting stuff. And 8000 hits is an impressive number in just 100 days. I've been around since last July and I only have like 18000 hits. Even with my wonderfully witty stories and random humor. Alas. So if you're reading this, go on, click on my name. You'll be transported to a new and wonderful place...

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