Because I was at a fun party on Saturday where "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" was playing on the TV upstairs but the volume was turned down so it was more like a post-modern holi-daze visual interpretation set to the hip music playing on the stereo and clinking of cocktail glasses . . . and because the party was full of Happy Misfits who enjoy life and I discovered in a sea of about 100 festive party-goers about 10 whom I have not seen in nearly 10 years ~ and we hugged and laughed and talked like we had just seen each other yesterday . . . and because so many law students are taking final exams this week and yet I have seen at least two out at different parties and know several who have taken procrastination to impressive new levels . . . and because I have received so many amazing emails and holiday props lately from strangers and fellow-bloggers . . and because I called my Mom on Saturday night and told her about the table-top 24-inch dinky plastic pre-decorated Christmas Tree I bought at Walgreens for $9.99 and the 99-cent Snowman Snow Globe, thinking she would feel sorry for me but instead she piped, "It's about the Christmas Spirit !" . . . and because we all at one time or another, but especially at the holidays, feel over-extended, under-appreciated, out-of-sorts, out-of-place, like Major Misfits ~ and whether you love the holidays or hate 'em ~ I remind you to remember:
this is a great blog. christmas however, is weaksauce.
Posted by: jesus bonehead | Wednesday, December 15, 2004 at 07:18 PM