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« Paying It Forward, and Homeless Hugs ~ | Main | Happy Hour »

Sunday, September 16, 2007


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wow..I think I need a massage now! Calgon take me away!

I've been thinking about scars lately, but you just write about it so much more beautifully. Glad you were able to relieve some of that stress.

Glad you've released that stress :)

Hello dear sister-sorry I did not respond sooner. As I read your post, I distinctly remember the day that we went to visit you after the surgery. Your crazy creative sister (me!) tried to hang up a get well soon sign and I bumped the bed. oops! I am so glad that you could forgive me. And I am so glad that you could get away and that you found someone who could understand your scar and that it called out to her. Love you...

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