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Thursday, November 01, 2007


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Ah! I was introduced to Sedaris a few summers ago by a friend and fell in LOVE with his books. As for reading-- I love reading my spanish books outloud, even though whoever may be in the room probably won't understand a word I say. But my favorite memory of being read outloud to will have to be when Joel read Ginseberg's Howl soon after we had moved in, and his voice and words echoed in our otherwise empty apartment. It was quite the moment. :)

David Sedaris is doing a reading at UCLA some time this year. He's performed a couple of times here, but I've never seen him. I read Barrel Fever over the summer and felt weird when I'd giggle on the bus.

Oh, and I literally laughed out loud to Sedaris' rendition of the Mastercard priceless ad.

I love David Sedaris! I saw him last year here in Austin. He was really nice about waiting to sign a book or program. I asked him some writing advice about trying to remain anonymous when writing non-fiction. Apparently, it's not possible ;)

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