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Friday, February 22, 2008


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I did a bit of a twist on your request. I did this with my students. Even though I think that I am very supportive and positive with my students, I don't usually give all of them detailed, personalized positive praise. There just isn't enough time in the day. Since I have a student teacher though I pulled kids individually to talk up their positive traits. I even had them think of something good they could say about themselves.

Those little kiddos really appreciated hearing how fabulous they really are. They are usually pretty good kids but since our little talk they have been better than ever.

Thanks for the idea!

ha, my husband grew suspicious but ultimately thanked me.

Hi there! I just wanted to say I stumbled upon your blog via Flickr. You made a comment on one of my photos and added your fabulous note to "Random Notes". So, thanks for that! But what I really wanted to say is how great your blog is. You really do have a way with words. What a great writer you are! I read your post about Barack and today's post about "tell me something good" and I truly enjoyed reading both of them very much. I'll be sure to read more. Thanks and take care! ~Kristen

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