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Sunday, March 30, 2008


Feed You can follow this conversation by subscribing to the comment feed for this post. sounds like you had a wonderful trip chica.

The streets and sidewalks in Buenos Aires sounds a lot like the ones in mi Matamoros time I go to Matamoros I can imagine I'm in BsAs! LOL

You were only in Buenos Aires for nine days?? Sounds like you're in the wrong line of work -- Why not forget the whole lawyer thing and go into psychology? Or anthropology? Great post, loved seeing it from your point of view.

I do the cheek kiss thing with some family members, but it's always family. Shaking hands feels so formal. However, I know that if I go somewhere it's rude not to greet every single person.

The rest of this post was really amusing. Did you take notes on all the oddities (at least from your POV) on Bs As?

sounds like a great trip! welcome home. :)

Kelly: gracias! It was a wonderful trip.

Marianne: LOL ~ the toilets and phones worked great during the trip, fortunately! Your porteño co-worker was correct: everything works here in the U.S., but it is all so boring. I didn't try the provoleta, but think I would have had a heart attack if I did! :)

What a wonderful trip. Welcome back!

So funny to hear this. The streets and traffic were the same when we were there almost 30 years ago. The toilets kept backing up and the telephones didn't work. A porteño co-worker commented that he´d like to visit the U.S. where everything worked, but only for a few months - after that, it would just get boring - where would be the challenge?

At the parrilladas did you try the provoleta (grilled provolone)?

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