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Thursday, April 10, 2008


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Kelly ~ Thank you for your kind words. It means a lot when the words I write resonate with others ~ it confirms I'm not entirely out of touch with reality.

Cindylu ~ Wow, *thank you* for the diverse list of songs! I'm going to add them to my playlist!

I love going to the butterfly preserves at natural history/science museums. Mariposas have been a favorite since they were the theme for my quinceañera. My favorite restaurant is called Mariposa too.

Anyway, I love butterfly songs too. Thanks for adding to my short playlist. I'll try uploading the songs on my list. They include David Garza's "Butterflies," Alicia Keys' "Butterflyz," Floetry's "Butterflies" (a brilliant Michael Jackson cover), Paul Weller's "Amongst Butterflies," and finally the Smashing Pumpkins' "Bullet With Butterfly Wings."

"please remember to protect your personal butterflies~ that person who makes you feel butterflies in your soul ~ whomever and wherever they may be ~"
Mari, that is just beautiful. I am going to save that and put it on my wall of favorite quotes. Thank you.

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